Tarot: Defined

I suppose it’s strange that over the past couple of months of investigating tarot, I’ve never actually tried to define it. I suppose I’d like to make my own definition but for now, I’ll rely on what others have to say.

Oxford Dictionary gives the following definition.


Wiki gives the following definition.



I wanted to look a bit further into the etymology of tarot but unfortunately, much of the origins are unknown. Etymonline states that tarot’s etymology comes from the “1590s, from French tarot (16c.), from Old Italian tarocchi (plural), of unknown origin, perhaps from Arabic taraha “he rejected, put aside. (etymnonline, 2019).”

This Arabic connection is an interesting parallel to Tarots introduction to Egypt. I’m not sure how to connect this rejection. I wonder if this has something to do with the modern game of Tarot. Tarot as a game is trick making, making choices of betting, rejecting etc.


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